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Chadwell Primary School

Chadwell Primary School



All members of the Chadwell Primary School community share a collective responsibility to report incidents and concerns we may have about the safety and welfare of any child, to the designated safeguarding officers. The officers will take advice from the Child Protection Advisory Team at Redbridge Children Services.

While every effort will be made to inform parents of a referral to the Child Protection Advisory Team, the safety and welfare of the child will always be overriding consideration and parents may not always be informed.

The school has a duty to refer information, but are not investigators. Records will be kept and children will be monitored if they are not referred. Referral may take place at a later date if the adviser has collected further pieces of evidence that causes concern.

We take our responsibility to Safeguard Children and Young People very seriously here at Chadwell Primary School. If you are worried about a child and would like to speak to an adult please ask for:

Head of School and Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL): Ms Kalhan
Pastoral Support Lead and Deputy DSL: Miss Barnes
The link governor responsible for Safeguarding is Kaamilah Munshi.

Please click here for our Safeguarding and Child Protection policy.