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Chadwell Primary School

Chadwell Primary School

School Council

What is the School Council?

Our School Council is a group of students who have been elected by their peers to represent the views of all pupils and to raise issues with the Senior Leadership Team and Governors to help improve their school.
Every year the children in KS2 (Year 3 -6) have the opportunity to put themselves forward to become part of the School Council. All the children in Years 3-6 then take part in a ballot to elect 2 children per class to be part of the School Council.

The School Council meet regularly as a group, which is led by Mrs Turner. During these meetings the children have a voice about daily school life.

School councils do get things done and here are some examples of what our school council have previously achieved:
• Successfully campaigned to the Senior Leadership Team and got their toilets sorted out
• Campaigned to have the Talent Show to be reinstated and then organised and presented it
• Organised dress down days to raise money for local charities
• Monitored the corridors at lunchtimes to stop children wandering around the building.

To be effective our school council will:
• Represent all pupils
• Take time to listen to all pupils and communicate their views
• Feedback to pupils about what is happening
• Make things happen or explain why they cannot