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Chadwell Primary School

Chadwell Primary School

Secondary Transfer

Secondary Transfer Information

All parents will need to apply for their child’s Secondary School place as soon as they start in Year 6 by going onto your home boroughs Secondary School Admissions online page.

We advise all parents to read the information on the Redbridge Secondary Admissions website before your child starts in Year 6 to see information on all the Secondary schools local to your address, you can also contact the schools direct to find out when they have their open days.

If you live in Redbridge please use this link: https://www.redbridge.gov.uk/schools/secondary-school-admissions/

Frequently asked questions:

When can I apply for Secondary School?
The Secondary application window is open from the 1st September to 31st October each year. You must apply before the deadline to ensure the best chance of getting your chosen school.

Can I apply for a non-Redbridge school?                                         

How do I apply for a non-Redbridge school?                                   
You must apply for ANY London borough schools (eg Barking & Dagenham, Havering, Newham etc) on your own local authority's form.  E.g. if you live in Redbridge you must put all schools on that form, even if they are not in Redbridge.

Do I put my 11+ option on the list?                                                    
Yes, you must put them at the top of your admissions list.  If you put your local school first and they have a place you will be offered that place even if you pass the 11+ and get into the grammar school.  In that case, you will NOT be offered a place at the grammar school.

Atam have a separate form do I only fill that in?                           
No, fill in the separate form on the Atam website (following their guidance) but you MUST also put them on your admissions list.

Does Chadwell Academy have a SIF form?                                     
No.  The only difference with Chadwell Academy is the sibling and locality criteria.

Is there a chance my child won’t be offered any of our choices?     
Yes.  If you only put schools you want and they are a long distance from your home or you don’t have any siblings you may not get a place at any of them.  You must be reasonable and realistic and put your catchment school somewhere on the list. Please make use of all the 6 options for schools that you can request.

When will we the place be offered?
An email will be sent to the email address used to complete your application during the evening of 1st March. You must respond to this offer by the 15th March.

What if we do not get offered our first choice?
The email will confirm you have been offered the highest school preference available. Your child’s name will appear on the waiting lists of those schools ranked at a higher preference on your application; any schools ranked at a lower preference we will automatically withdraw. You must respond to this offer by the 15th March.

For further information please check your local authority guidance.