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Chadwell Primary School

Chadwell Primary School


We are always looking for clever fundraising ideas. Here are a few ways that we hope can help you and raise money for the school at the same time.

Lets Localise

This is a fundraising platform that offers us an opportunity to build a community of parents, family, businesses and individuals to assist and enhance fundraisers and your child’s experience at the school.

All you need to do to keep up to date on fundraisers that are running is to click on the below link and sign up. It’s a Free service for you and just makes sure that you don’t miss anything that is happening at the school.

Lets Localise 

Matched funding

Did you know that is you work for a large organisation (particularly banks, legal and accountancy firms but also corporates such as Tesco, O2, Unilever etc) the chances are you can help Chadwell Primary School raise a lot of money for very little effort!

All of these companies offer something called Matched Funding (or Matched Giving) as part of their corporate social responsibility programmes, where they will offer to ‘match’ funds raised by the school. Ask your employer today if they can help and let us know!

Easy fundraising

If you shop online, please take a look at

Register with this site, select Chadwell Primary School as your organisation and you then have access to over 3000 online retailers – pretty much anyone you can’t think of: M&S, Amazon, John Lewis, Argo, WHSmith, Direct Line car insurance, Next, Boots, Tesco Direct etc. Every time you shop the school receives a donation.

Once you have registered and selected to add easy fundraising to your banner, you don’t even need to remember to go through the main website, just go to the site you want to shop from and it automatically credits the school! It even has a calculator so you can see how much money you have raised. It’s just an extra few clicks, and it costs you nothing.

My Name Tags

Don’t forget to name all uniform, PE Kit, water bottles, lunch boxes that your child brings into school. If you order labels on https://www.mynametags.com/ please use the School ID 28496 and every order helps to raise funds for the school !