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Chadwell Primary School

Chadwell Primary School

Nursery Admissions

At Chadwell, we offer either a morning nursery session or an afternoon nursery session.
All places are for 15 hours a week (3 hours a day) for either morning or afternoon.
Morning session – 8.50 - 11.50
Afternoon session – 12.40 – 3.40


Applications for admission into our school nursery are to be made directly to the school. Parents wishing to apply for a Nursery place should, in the first instance, contact the School Office and complete an enquiry form. Admissions are then processed on a priority-based system with the highest priority being given to;
• Looked after children – children in public care within the Local Authority
• A child who has a sibling currently on roll in the School
• Proximity of a child’s home to the School, with those living nearer being given the higher priority
The application form can be found below;
Nursery application 

Alternatively, you can go to the school office and request a paper application form.
Once the form has been completed it needs to be returned to the school office or emailed to admissions@chadwellprimaryschool.co.uk