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Chadwell Primary School

Chadwell Primary School

Maths No Problem 

At Chadwell, we promote a positive attitude to Maths and believe in the fact that ‘We can all do maths!’. We believe all children can achieve in mathematics, and teach for secure and deep understanding of mathematical concepts through small steps. When delivering Maths lessons, we use the Maths-No Problem! series of textbooks and workbooks from EYFS- Year 6, which is written to meet the requirements of the 2014 English national curriculum.


What is Maths No Problem and Mastery?

Maths-No Problem! is a series written based on Singapore methods of teaching and the Mastery approach. Maths mastery is an approach to teaching that gives pupils a deep, long-term, secure and adaptable understanding of mathematics. Teaching for mastery differs in many key respects from more traditional methods, perhaps most fundamentally in the idea that 'Everyone a learner'. This inclusive approach and its emphasis on promoting multiple methods of solving a single problem builds self-confidence and resilience in pupils.

All Maths-No Problem! lessons have elements of the following:

  • Inclusivity: Tasks and activities are designed to be inclusive for all pupils whilst providing components of challenge for more advanced learners.
  • CPA approach: Where appropriate, pupils will be introduced to a concept using concrete resources (such as counters) and then move on to a pictorial representation followed by the abstract symbols and methods.
  • Problem-solving: Tasks and activities encourage problem-solving skills where pupils are often asked to work together to come up with solutions.
  • Variation- Questions and examples are varied to encourage pupils to recognise that there may be more than one method for solving a problem.


Lesson structure of Maths No Problem

Each lesson follows a similar structure from Year 1-Year 6.

  • Fluency starter- Pupils will begin the lesson by recapping prior learning or completing a short series of questions designed to recap basic arithmetic skills (e.g number bonds or multiplication facts etc)
  • Explore task- Each lesson begins with a task for pupils to work through in pairs or groups, often using concrete materials to solve the problem. The teacher will ask key questions to generate discussion.
  • Master- In this part of the lesson, the class will look at various methods of solving the problem to deepen pupils’ understanding.
  • Guided Practice- Once the various methods have been explained, pupils are given the opportunity to practice what they have learned.
  • Independent Practice- When confident with different methods, pupils complete independent work in their workbooks answering a range of questions.
  • Journaling- At any given time in the lesson, pupils may be asked to journal to explore, record and develop their understanding of a given topic. They are encouraged to explain, compare and evaluate methods they have learnt within the lesson.


Maths No Problem Overviews


Year 1 

Year 2

Year 3

Year 4 

Year 5

Year 6


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