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Chadwell Primary School

Chadwell Primary School

Ethos & Values

Our Ethos - Everyone a Learner

Our capacity to learn something new each day continues throughout our adult lives.               

Learning does not cease because we are no longer in formal education.

At Chadwell, we embrace our responsibility to ensuring that the building blocks for learning are established upon a secure foundation.

We believe that learning is wider than just academic achievement; at our school, a Visible Learning approach underpins all areas of school life.

This embodies the Five Dispositions of Learning: Adaptable, Creative, Perseverance, Reflective and Resilience.

Pupils are encouraged to develop each of these dispositions as they work towards achieving greater responsibility for their own learning behaviours, self-awareness and self-regulation.

Fostering positive social interaction with their peers and promoting British Values are also key to ensuring that our pupils are equipped with the necessary skills for successful future learning.

It is important that each and every one of us, including the contribution of parents & carers, plays a part in each child's learning journey throughout their time at Chadwell.