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Chadwell Primary School

Chadwell Primary School

Educational Visits

At Chadwell Primary School, we believe that it is important for children to look at learning outside of the classroom.

Many of you may wonder ‘What’s the point of Educational Visits?’ and consider whether they add any value to your child’s learning.

Educational visits are carefully thought through to ensure that they broaden children’s knowledge, provide a range of experiences that relate to the real world and give children lasting memories.

Educational visits support children with their progress as they gain social and cultural knowledge, referred to as ‘Cultural Capital’.  Children begin to experience cultures, respect differences and can then apply these skills to their learning.  The children are able to draw upon experiences and visualise what may have previously been unknown.  

Educational visits give students the chance to experience life outside the classroom, visiting museums, farms, religious centres and historical sites and going on cultural capital trips, school trips encourage young people to learn and socialise with peers in a completely different way to within the classroom.

Our dispositions of learning (reflective, creative, adaptable, resilient & perseverant) are also enhanced through educational visits.

From the time they start in Reception all the way through to Year 6 they will go on a range of trips that relate to the curriculum they are learning at that time

Each year group goes on a minimum of 2 School trips per year

We are fully aware that some of these trips are not always cheap and we do our utmost to secure the lowest cost possible with public transport often being the cheapest option. However, some of the venues can often only be accessed by coach and this is often which increases the price. Trips are evaluated by staff and feedback is taken into consideration as to whether the trip was worthwhile and whether the children broadened their learning and were able to use this once they had returned to the class room as well as in their everyday lives.

We want to provide children with as many opportunities as possible and open up their eyes to the world around them. As parents/carers, you can help support them with their learning by just a simple walk to the park, look at the surroundings, feed some ducks, promote discussion. If you are stuck for ideas please message the school and we will do our best to provide some tips for interesting visits.

Further information on trips will be found on Year Group pages.